7729 Hol:day Drive SntJg Harner \,Itliage phone 941 923 8868 fax 941 923 9148 George ~",'eriir.Arcrutect #AR10~;23 Sarasota Florida 3.1;3 ~ gmeri1r,@;meriinarchitec!ure corn Corcorancn #AAC024:·S
Florida Buildil1~ Commission Florida Dept. ll( community Affairs Building Codes and Standards
2555 Shumard Oak BI\d.
Tallahassee. Fl. ] 23'J9-2I 00
.:\ItI1.Mr. \10 Madani Emai I:c !1_1~!..:..!.!1..0.dan i~d(·'l.St<D~:ll:_us Ph: 85()-()2 J -2247
\lr, Madani
Per our telephone discussion this letter is to request a declaratory statement from the Florida Building Commission. lam a Florida licensed architect and Ircquemly design single l~lI)lil: homes on the gullcoasr barrier islands that are in the area seaward of the FDEP.'fBC coastal construction control line. \·1y request relates [0 two scenarios lor two future projects in the CCCL zone.
The first ca:-e consists or a single story single family dwelling and proposed renovations to such. including a vertical second story addition: wherein all renovations. including the new second storv. art: all within the footprint/perimeter of the existing foundation and wherein the cx isting foundation has been inv cstigatcd and proven by engineering calculations to be: adequate [0 support the proposed rcnov ations per the requirements of the F'Be Ior Existing Buildiug-, (i.e. gr;'l\ily and wind loadxj.vc irhout moJit~ ing or adding to the original existing